
an open source platform for checking Bible translations


“translationCore® is amazing… it’s like having your own translation consultant with you.”

Beta user



Figures of Speech Checking

Open your project in the translationNotes tool to check metaphors, similes, irony, and many other types of figures of speech.


Key Term Checking

Utilize the translationWords tool to check your translation for accuracy and consistency of key terms, names, and other terms.


Smart Alignment

Take advantage of smart alignment and map your translation to the original languages.


Gateway Language Support

tC and its exegetical resources are made available in the Gateway Languages of the world. No problem if your team doesn't speak English.


Offline First

Install via the web or USB, then use all of tC with no internet connection. Get updates or sync to the cloud only when you choose.


Windows: x64 | x86
MacOS: x64 | Universal
Linux: x64 | ARM64

See the Release Notes for installation instructions.